Tokyo-based Zuu, the startup that operates financial advisor matching platform Zuu Advisors, announced today that it has fundraised 105 million yen (about $1 million) from four angel investors including Japan’s mobile i-mode web service inventor Takeshi Natsuno and listed-company owners.
The company provides a dozen web services including Zoo Advisors Support, a website of marketing tips for brokers and salespersons of wealth management products. Other websites include Japanese property market trend news site Tokyo Premium Real Estate and wealth management-focused portal Zuu Online (US Edition), both are available in English. ...continue reading
The Bridge 8/25/2014 [en]
- Financial advisor matching seems very niche market in Japan, but including sales persons of various financial sectors and related professional services such as lawyers and accountants, Zuu says the total number of financial advisors is around 1 million. In addition, since the target users are wealthy people, there would be many ways of monetization.