Japanese crowdsourcing marketplace Lancers announced today that it has raised 300 million yen ($2.9 million) from Globis Capital Partners (GCP) and GMO Venture Partners (GMO-VP). Coinciding with this funding, GCP partner Shinichi Takamiya has joined Lancers’ the board of directors. Readers may recall that we previously wrote about Lancers back in April.
Since the service launched in 2008, it has acquired about 140,000 members (crowdsourced workers) and has transacted about 7 billion yen ($68.3 million). The amount of the transactions reached 3.5 billion yen ($34.2 million) in the previous fiscal year, which is the same amount as its total dealings up to that point (i.e. from 2008 and 2011). ...continue reading ...
Sd 5/21/2013 [en]
- Lancers may be one of the first crowdsourcing services in Japan. Crowdsouricng, especially in web or mobile app development, has become very hot since the last year. Other services recently launched include Crowdworks, which raised 300 million yen in the last October, MUGENUP, and designclue.
- http://www.lancers.jp/